The shift in the market certainly continues. Certainly fewer sales and increased inventory seems to be the trend. For Single Family Homes in the greater Parksville Qualicum Beach area the number of sales for July 2018 were down 30% compared to July 2017 (66 versus 94). Number of homes for sale at the end of July is up 54% compared to July 2017 (186 versus 121) however it is interesting to note that the average number of days to sell has changed slightly, July 2018 was on average 27 days while last year was only 24.
Year to date the number of sales or the first 7 months of the year is down 25% in comparison to the same period last year (397 versus 526). Average sale price is still higher than last year, up 17% ($621,305 versus $529,786).
If you would like additional information or wish to discuss your particular situation please contact TeamW at or 250-468-1498
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